Deb Vanderwerp

Counsellor at First Step Solutions

Deb Vanderwerp
Deb Vanderwerp; Counsellor at First Step Solutions
Presentation: Disability: The Right to Relationships and Sex

Helping you navigate conversations about accessing sex, human desires and the need for companionship for people with disability, this session will touch on how to start the conversation, being open minded and accepting and looks at what the NDIS supports in this space.

Co-speaker: Ebony Swan

Speaker Bio

"Deb is a counsellor for First Step Solutions, working in Box Hill, Werribee, Dandenong and Fitzroy. With a vast understanding of counselling practices around trauma and a passion in supporting safe sex, Deb has assisted in the development of the ""Young Relationships"" program, designed for youths and understanding their own value and the importance of boundaries and self-worth."

Deb is a chocoholic, who loves upcycling, sewing and swing dancing - with a love of warm blooded furry creatures!