Award Categories

Nominations for the 2024 Australian Disability Services Awards will open on Monday, 17 June. Nominations will close on Friday, 19 July 2024.

Best Accommodation Provider

Sponsored by Tania Gomez Consulting

We’re looking for the Best Accommodation Provider with an innovative accommodation model promoting a life of independence while also providing a home. Show us how the provider meets the unique needs of every individual in the home.

Best Assistive Technology Product

Sponsored by NGO Training Centre

For the Best Assistive Technology Product Award, we want to celebrate the latest innovation with excellent building quality, reliability and function. This is a category that really can excite!

Best Community Program

Sponsored by Plan Partners

The Best Community Program celebrates mainstream community-based organisations whose programs showcase inclusive practices. NDIS Providers or disability organisations are eligible to nominate only if they are supporting the mainstream community organisation to establish their program.

Best Early Intervention Program

Sponsored by AIIM Choices

Our Best Early Intervention Program Award recognises innovative early intervention models which demonstrate positive outcomes resulting in a reduction in the need for ongoing support.

Best Employment Program

Sponsored by Sydney Health & Care Services

We want to find the Best Employment Program that utilises people's unique skills, builds new skills and career pathways, and promotes achievement of meaningful employment outcomes.

Best New Business

Sponsored by Your Business Momentum

Our Best New Business Awards will celebrate a new business which demonstrates innovation, creative and strategic thinking. To be eligible, the business must have an ABN and be less than two years old (this includes ALL business activity, including changes to business structures or entities).

Best Regional, Rural or Remote Service/Program

Sponsored by Tender Loving Care

This award is to recognise the best program or service designed to support regional, rural or remote areas of Australia. The service may be face to face, digital or a combination of both. We’d love to see how the program or service shows innovation and results by contributing to improved health and wellbeing of its Participants and/or community.

Best Workplace Inclusion Program

Sponsored by Anonymous

The Best Workplace Inclusion Program is for NDIS recognised service providers who implement innovative disability recruitment and retention strategies for systemic change, demonstrating a truly inclusive approach across your entire workplace.

Most Outstanding Allied Health Organisation

Sponsored by Metanoia Rays

The Most Outstanding Allied Health Organisation Award recognises an organisation that delivers maximum outcomes for Participants and directly contributes to improving their health through allied health services. Nominees may be single or multi-disciplinary organisations.

Most Outstanding CEO/Director

Sponsored by etrainu

One of our most popular categories, the Most Outstanding CEO/Director Award recognises excellence in leadership. We’re looking for those leaders who showcase integrity, compassion and determination and also deliver results. They’re a thought-leader within the community or the industry (or both!) and they’re held in high esteem by their peers.

Most Outstanding Plan Management

Sponsored by Redtail

The Most Outstanding Plan Management Award celebrates an organisation who delivers outstanding customer service and ensures their Participants receive maximum benefit from their funding.

Most Outstanding Support Coordinator

Sponsored by Tender Loving Cuisine

This award celebrates the Most Outstanding Support Coordinator who, for their Participants, champion choice and control; actively and continually build capacity; and go above and beyond to connect and build a resilient network of supports to achieve great outcomes for their Participants.

Most Outstanding Support Worker

Sponsored by Why Day Creations

Our Most Outstanding Support Worker Award recognises those whose innovative approach empowers a Participant to have choice and control to live their best life.