Ebony Swan

Operations Manager at First Step Solutions

Ebony Swan
Ebony Swan; Operations Manager at First Step Solutions
Presentation: Disability: The Right to Relationships and Sex

Helping you navigate conversations about accessing sex, human desires and the need for companionship for people with disability, this session will touch on how to start the conversation, being open minded and accepting and looks at what the NDIS supports in this space.

Co-speaker: Deb Vanderwerp

Speaker Bio

"Ebony has worked within the disability and mental health space for 15 years and is passionate about providing education and guidance to people with disabilities and their supports to encourage healthy and safe relationships. Ebony strongly believes that everyone has the right to love and be loved in way that brings them fulfilment and joy."

"Ebony is known as the ""Joke Master"" in the office, with her sense of humour bringing banter and laughter to most interactions she has! A self-described ADHDer, she always has several tasks on the go at once, being the most productive when she's doing numerous things at once!"