Award Category: Best Assistive Technology Product

For the Best Assistive Technology Product, we want to reward the latest innovation, excellent building quality, reliability and function. This is a category that really has the opportunity to excite!

Category Sponsor
NGO Training Centre

Finalist Details

Virtetic transform the limb loss recovery journey, providing hope, confidence and limitless potential through their innovative virtual reality solutions. The journey to recovery from limb loss can be long and uncertain, causing up to a 40% prosthesis abandonment rate and 60% experiencing phantom limb pain. Virtetic offers a supportive virtual environment that delivers immediate physical and mental training to foster progress and confidence.

Two core solutions are provided: Phantom Limb Pain Management VRx, which eases pain through motor imagery and mirror therapy and Prosthetic User Training VRx, which uses engaging games to teach upper limb prosthesis skills. The Virtetic platform addresses critical challenges, such as muscle atrophy and prosthesis abandonment and is suitable for both home and clinic use.

A successful trial in Sydney saw 7 from 8 prosthetic users transfer from body-powered or cosmetic prosthetics to myoelectric hands, dramatically improving their lives and showcasing the profound impact of this VR intervention.